Park Amenities
Park Amenities
Welcome to Nature Coast Landings RV Resort !
  • Office Hours:  9-5 Monday through Friday during the winter season, 8-4 during Summer.  The office will be closed for lunch between the hours of 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm.  Our staff are ready to answer your questions!  Office phone number is: 352-447-5820.
  • Official NCL Website:  Our website is a very valuable resource. If you are looking to purchase a lot from an owner, visit the Lots "For Sale by Owner" link on this website. 
  • Clubhouse and Friendship Hall:  NCL has two community buildings for a variety of activities.  The Clubhouse offers a comfortable environment for reading, playing card games, watching TV, or crafts.  We have a Book Nook where you can check out books and movies.  The Friendship Hall is a large meeting room where we hold many of our activities and parties.
  • Exercise Rooms:  We offer two exercise rooms, one with weight equipment and one with cardio equipment to include elliptical machines, bikes and treadmill.  There is also a TV with exercise DVDs available or use your own favorite exercise videos or streaming service.
  • Internet: Every lot has Internet access through high-speed, Fiber Optic Service which is included in the monthly dues.  NCL does not provide any TV services to the lot.  
  • WiFi: Available in the Clubhouse and Friendship Hall.  
  • Activities: NCL offers a wide variety of activities such as exercise classes, dinners, dances, and games.  All our activities can be found on the website calendar.  All residents at NCL are welcome to participate.    
  • Water & Sewer: We have won three awards from Florida Rural Water Association for our well water quality here at NCL. We have been nominated by FRWA for "Facility of the Year" for both Water and Sewer in their respective classes. 
  • Bathrooms and Showers: - Are available to all residents and are located in the Clubhouse and also Friendship Hall.  
  • Laundry Facility: Coin operated machines are available only to residents staying in the park. 
  • PET OWNERS:  An enclosed dog run is available. Limit of 2 pets per lot permitted. Pets (dogs and cats) must be on a leash at all times when outside your unit. Owners MUST pick up pet waste.  Please see our rules and regulations under Public Documents for further information regarding pets.
  • Pool:  An enclosed, heated swimming pool is located behind the clubhouse and is open year round.  Pool will be covered and closed during inclement and/or cold weather if temperatures drop to below 60 degrees.  
  • Trash Disposal: Dumpsters are available on the property for residents use.  Commercial businesses doing work in the park cannot use park dumpsters.  Recycling dumpster is for broken down cardboard and 1-7 plastics and tins.  Instructions are labeled on the dumpster.
  • Propane Gas: Is available to only in park residents.
  • Dump Station:  Is available to only in park residents.
  • Television: The resort provides community TV's for viewing in the Clubhouse with your own streaming device or subscriptions.
  • Citrus County Watering Restrictions:  
    The Citrus County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 2020-A17, effective June 23, 2020.  For established lawns and landscapes, irrigation may occur during these specified time periods:
    For the whole park, watering will be on Tuesday, (as we have been informed by Citrus County that our physical office  address covers the whole park), from 12:00 AM to 10:00 AM, and then from 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM. 
    Per Citrus county Inspector. 
    Water restrictions are enforced for all sources of water on or beneath the surface of the ground, including water withdrawn from wells.  Restrictions apply to use of in-ground irrigation systems, hose-end sprinklers, hand watering, or any other means of applying water to grass.   
    If you have installed new plant material within the last sixty days or have another valid reason for this water use, please contact our office at 352-527-7669 to provide details.