Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024, 9:30am to 11am at parking lot in front of the office - near the mailboxes
Pump up those tires and join us as your schedule allows as we bike out to the gulf and back.
This is a fun and easy way to meet new people in the park and get some exercise as we chat.
This is rarely competitive, (haha); if you haven't biked in a while, go as far as you're comfortable and turn around. We start together and spread out as we go. Bring water, snacks and bug spray if you need to as it's often buggy at the gulf.
This is designed to be a self managed group which requires no leader.
Leave at 9:30 and return to the park whenever.
Later in the season, there are often bike trips scheduled to other interesting Florida locations with food and drink at the end of the day before we return to NCL. Consider this as the training for the more challenging fun outings.
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